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Case Study

Development of an Acquisition Integration Playbook to Streamline Integration Process
and Maximize Value Capture

Our client embarked on an acquisition journey to expand its reach and leverage synergies in the market. To ensure the success of this acquisition, there was need to streamline the integration process, maximized value capture, and ensured that the integration appeared seamless to clients, customers, and suppliers/vendors. Our client's acquisition was not just about acquiring another business; it was about integrating it effectively and efficiently, and this playbook was instrumental in achieving that goal.


Deliver a playbook that allows for seamless integration of an acquired company to maximize the value of the combined entity. Through this playbook:

Ensure uninterrupted business performance during the integration; integration should appear seamless to clients, customers, suppliers, vendors

Maintain momentum of the business; e.g., achieve business objectives from each company

Manage, protect, and enhance the business opportunities identified as rationale for the deal; e.g., talent, technology, expansion, operational synergy

The following Key Considerations for Success were incorporated into the Acquisition Integration Playbook, onto which all processes, guidelines, roadmaps, and strategies were based.


Start integration planning during due diligence

If possible, include key leaders in due diligence process to provide a comprehensive assessment of the target company, who are then part of implementing the changes and integration.


Invest early and often in cross pollination

Drive teams together with activities (e.g., interdependency workshop, Functional Team Lead meetings, process mapping).


Secure dedicated resources

Taking on integration work in addition to “day jobs” is overwhelming; find full-time integration resources at both at the senior and junior levels where possible.


Strive to have the same select team in place throughout the entire integration

Select individuals with (1) business experience, (2) relationship skills, and (3) discipline. Be sure to include representatives from the acquiring and target company. Ideally, maintain the same team leaders and members pre- and post-close. If not possible, focus on planning the pre-/post-close transition earlier.


First focus on combining the companies, then tackle efficiency and other improvement

Integrations result in a lot of changes for a company to absorb at once; it is important to get to a single operational baseline as quickly as possible. Communicate decisions early and with conviction (e.g., make it immediately clear that the acquiring company's systems and processes will be used with clear guidelines for exceptions). 


Templates are essential; to be effective, they require a clear roadmap and communication plan

Templates are critical to drive the planning process; roadmaps showing teams the purpose of the templates and how they fit together are essential to minimize rework. A dedicated project manager to “quarterback” the execution of the templates allows functional teams to focus on providing subject expertise.


Establish and vet Value Capture baseline early

The Value Capture process should begin with a robust baseline process, create targets by function that can be bridged to the P&L, and rely on the acquiring company's accountability systems to track ongoing performance. Internal and external stakeholders will expect to see Value Capture reflected in the P&L; the program should be built accordingly.


Lock in top level organizational decisions

Set a solid deadline for organizational decisions and avoid delays. Delays in top-level org decisions adversely affect the efficiency of other org decisions and the ability to plan business processes. They also create unnecessary anxiety among the staff that is disruptive to business. Announce partial decisions when possible.


Dedicated integration governance is essential early, but leverage existing accountability systems where possible

Dedicated integration teams (e.g., IST, IMO) are essential to ensure high commitment and focus on the integration. However, any new structures need to complement existing accountability systems. Carefully consider when to sunset the integration structures and have the existing structures take over.


Over communicate

Important to keep people from wondering about the integration and the impact of integration on them (e.g., if they still have jobs) but avoid making unrealistic promises (e.g., deadlines for decisions that may be missed); do not create burdensome standards for internal communication that inhibit frequent communications.


The output of our engagement was a comprehensive Acquisition Integration Playbook and accompanying templates and tools, which encompassed:


  • Integration Design and Level: Providing a detailed blueprint for the integration process.

  • Value Capture Considerations: Defining value drivers, cost, and spend baseline.

  • Integration Team Roles and Responsibilities: Outlining the structure and responsibilities of integration teams.

  • Organization, People, and Culture Considerations: Addressing the human element of integration.

  • Information and Knowledge Transfer: Including clean team and fact packs, along with systems infrastructure.

  • Integration Deliverables Definition and Timeline: A structured timeline for integration milestones.

  • Functional Team Focus: Guiding the functional teams throughout the integration.

  • Communications Strategy: Ensuring effective internal and external communication.

  • Integration Roadmap: Defining objectives, meetings, and key milestones.

  • Risk Assessment and Mitigation: Identifying potential risks, mitigation strategies, and contingency planning.

  • Tracking and Reporting: Establishing methods for monitoring and reporting progress.

  • Change Management: Addressing the crucial element of change.

  • Post-mortem Analysis: Evaluating the integration process after completion.

The creation of the Acquisition Integration Playbook for our client was a meticulously planned and executed process. Collaborating closely with the senior leadership team of our client was integral to the success of the project. We engaged in high-level discussions and workshops to align their strategic objectives with the integration process. These interactions helped set the tone and direction for the acquisition integration. 


The final output of our work involved developing the Acquisition Integration Playbook. This guide was a meticulously detailed document, tailored to our client's specific needs. It included a step-by-step roadmap for the integration process, incorporating insights from our discovery phase and interactions with the senior leadership team. The playbook serves as a comprehensive reference for leaders and the integration team, outlining considerations for due diligence, deal focus and integration level, and integration tasks, timelines, and responsibilities at each stage of the integration.

In Summary

The culmination of our efforts resulted in a remarkable transformation for our client. The comprehensive Acquisition Playbook, coupled with the supporting tools and templates, streamlined the integration process. It ensured that the integration appeared seamless to clients, customers, and suppliers/vendors, and allowed our client to capitalize on the full potential of the acquisition. It was not merely the acquisition of a business but a strategic transformation, expertly guided by our consulting expertise.


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